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Couverture de The Beautiful Abyss

The Beautiful Abyss

De : Gini Chin
Lu par : Michelle Mosley
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    When Niki discovers a shocking secret about her husband and why they’ve had a sexless marriage for five years, she flies off to Europe with Pema, her best friend and sister-in-law, to decide what she’s going to do with her life. There, she has a passionate affair with Thof, a gorgeous Greek man in an idyllic village on the Aegean. He opens up her world to the passion and mystery she’s been craving, and to his secret—he’s a shapeshifter. Niki decides to end it with her husband and moves to Greece to be with Thof. But who is he really?

    While Thof travels abroad for longer and longer stints selling his family’s wine, Niki falls into the arms of Costa, Thof’s best friend and co-worker at the wine bar Thof owns. They manage to keep their affair secret, but Thof senses Niki has grown cold, and convinces her to take a romantic getaway to Istanbul to rekindle the flame. Instead, Thof goes berserk, fully metamorphosing into his fox guide, brutally assaults Niki, and is arrested. During the attack, Thof makes some delirious admissions and Niki learns the truth about what he has actually been up to on his wine selling trips.

    Alone in their villa after the violent night, Niki discovers a cashier’s check in Thof’s rumpled suit. It’s made out to him, from Brielle, his partner-in-crime, for half a million dollars. Niki filches it. Now, she needs to get the cash in her hands and get back to the States before Brielle and Thof close in on her.

    ©2023 Gini Chin (P)2024 Gini Chin
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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