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Couverture de The Beasts in Your Brain

The Beasts in Your Brain

De : Katherine Speller
Lu par : Patricia Santomasso
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    It's hard enough to admit that you're struggling, but how do you even begin to navigate getting help when it feels like there's an enormous gap between you, your peers, and the adults in your life who keep saying they want to support you but just don't seem to get it?

    The Beasts in Your Brain is a guide and companion equally for you and your loved ones, here to provide that essential first dose of information, understanding, and validation about mental illness and how it affects the young people of today. This book knows how much harder things are for you and your generation, how out-of-touch much of the advice out there is (after all, how are you supposed to "just unplug" when more than half your social life is conducted online?), and how identity, circumstances, and stigma can affect your experiences.

    Though they might be scary or seem unstoppable, the beasts can be defeated. It will be hard work, but it is not work you will ever have to do alone. This book will be your first partner in your battle against the beasts, reminding you that there's always hope and humor to be found in openly talking about the realities of living with mental illness. Together with the support of your loved ones and the practical knowledge and tools you will learn in this book, you can win this fight.

    ©2023 Katherine Speller (P)2024 Tantor

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