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Couverture de The Beast of Brenton Woods

The Beast of Brenton Woods

De : Jackson R. Thomas
Lu par : Joe Hempel
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    Some legends never die....

    The White Wolf, the Beast of Brenton Woods, a legendary creature said to walk like a man. When the full moon rises, it will feast. 

    Unseen for years, truth has turned to rumor, mere folklore. Until something lures the monster from exile, calling it home. 

    For Tyler and Ben, a firsthand encounter leads to an exploration of the forbidden depths of Brenton woods, and for Ben, the discovery of a family secret. 

    When Wendy and her friend's hangout in the abandoned cabin is compromised, the hunt begins. The target of a creature's desire, Wendy is hearing whispers in the night, finding footprints outside her window, and can't shake the dreadful feeling that something is waiting for her. 

    Deputy Kathy Wilcox understands the disturbances, the shredded carcasses, and the growing list of missing persons in town are connected to something larger than life. Will her acceptance of the legend end in tragedy? 

    There's a full moon above, the night is coming down, and blood is about to run.

    ©2018 Jackson R. Thomas (P)2019 Tantor

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