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The Battle of the River Chaos

De : Liam Jenkins
Lu par : Talisker Little
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The River Chaos - that was not always its name - is the lifeblood of Maloto: ancient, mystical, a gateway to the heart of the island and to the past...

The air felt quiet and still, as the river babbled gently over the rocks.

A young warrior approached from the darkness of the Forest of Shadows and tentatively moved closer to the water’s edge. He knelt, placed his sword on the rocks by his feet, and cupped his hand into the river, scooping up a handful of cold water and drawing it to his mouth.

He swallowed and looked out to sea, then swished his hand in the cold, clear water as if he was looking for something.

“Here. Here is where he will make his attack.”

Learn about the origins of the McFinn's lineage and why Dylan and his brother are so important to the safety of Maloto in the battles to come.

©2019 Liam Jenkins (P)2021 Liam Jenkins, Talisker Little
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