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  • The Baseball Player’s Guide to Hitting Like a Pro

  • Science Based Techniques to Master the Fundamentals and Mental Side of Hitting
  • De : Roy Lingster
  • Lu par : Warren Sandwell
  • Durée : 2 h et 21 min

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The Baseball Player’s Guide to Hitting Like a Pro

De : Roy Lingster
Lu par : Warren Sandwell
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    Every good hitter is fighting a battle.... Do you know what yours is and how to turn it to your advantage on the field?

    Three out of every four appearances at the plate result in an out. You probably know why are you doubting your skills?

    To hit like a pro, you need to think like a pro - and that means mastering a specific mental attitude as well as your physical technique.

    Sound like a lot to handle?

    If you love the game, it’s not so hard - you just need some expert guidance...and you’re about to get it.

    In The Baseball Player’s Guide to Hitting Like a Pro, you’ll find a clear guide to improving your hitting technique, without focusing on mechanics alone. You’ll discover:

    • The seven key elements needed to build a strong foundation for good hitting 
    • Why bench-time may not be such a bad thing - and how you can use it to your advantage 
    • How to look beyond the field to improve your attitude (and why you should) 
    • The reason why it isn’t just top hitters you should be learning from - and who you should be looking at instead 
    • Swing fundamentals broken down into key elements - so you know exactly what it is you should be working on 
    • Why confidence is just as problematic as self-doubt - and what you can do to mitigate it if you’re on a streak 
    • The power of "Situational Spirit" - what it is, and how to harness its power
    • And much more

    If you’ve fallen into a slump and you’re doubting your skills as a hitter, don’t despair. Even the top players have been there.... The difference is that they know a secret.

    It won’t always be easy, but if you recognize that, you’re already halfway there: get ready to learn that secret, and watch your ranking improve - even when it feels like it never will.

    If you’re ready to master the true technique of the pros and elevate your swing, then scroll up, and click “buy” right now.

    ©2021 Roy Lingster (P)2021 Roy Lingster

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