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Couverture de The Band in Our Basement

The Band in Our Basement

De : Kelly J. Baptist, Jenin Mohammed - illustrator
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    In this rollicking, rhyming picture book, a pair of siblings who are supposed to be in bed discover a jazz band
    playing in their basement
    The sounds downstairs are funky
    and we start to wiggle toes.
    We flip-flop and we giggle
    with sheets up to the nose.
    The rhythm’s steady, the trumpet’s sweet.
    Before too long, we’re on our feet!
    After hearing Daddy’s band practicing in the basement, a brother and sister can’t resist sneaking out of bed to
    watch them play. Careful, careful, can’t be caught. Tiptoe past the squeaky spot! They long to join in the fun,
    but can’t be seen out of bed—until the discovery of a surprise band member turns the jam session into a family
    affair. With an energetic, lyrical text from award-winning author Kelly J. Baptist and exuberant illustrations from
    Jenin Mohammed, The Band in Our Basement will have listeners feeling the beat—right before settling back
    down for bedtime.

    ©2024 Kelly J. Baptist (P)2024 Recorded Books
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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