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Couverture de The Baleful Owl

The Baleful Owl

De : Virgil Alexander
Lu par : Curtis Michael Holland
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    The murder of an archeology student draws an Apache policeman into a web of deadly intrigue in this Southwestern thriller by the author of The Wham Curse.

    The lands of southern Arizona hold many secrets, some of which are worth killing for. When an archeology student is found dead, it seems like a tragic case of senseless violence. But when a second victim is targeted, Apache Tribal Policeman Al Victor realizes something far more sinister is afoot.

    The Arizona Antiquities Task Force brings deputies Bren Allred and Manny Sanchez into the case. Soon, the officers find themselves investigating a sophisticated criminal organization determined to get their hands on the priceless Baleful Owl effigy, and they are motivated by something much deeper than mere greed.

    The Baleful Owl continues the Deputy Allred & Apache Officer Victor series, blending a criminal investigation with the history and culture of the American Southwest.

    ©2023 Virgil Alexander (P)2024 Tantor

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