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  • The Backyard Adventurer

  • De : Beau Miles
  • Lu par : Beau Miles
  • Durée : 8 h et 31 min
  • 4,5 out of 5 stars (2 notations)

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Couverture de The Backyard Adventurer

The Backyard Adventurer

De : Beau Miles
Lu par : Beau Miles
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    After years of adventuring around the globe – running, kayaking, hitchhiking, exploring – Beau Miles came back to his block in country Victoria. Staying put for the first time in years, Beau developed a new kind of lifestyle as the Backyard Adventurer. Whether it was walking 90km to work with no provisions, building a canoe paddle out of scavenged scrap, or running a disused railway line through properties, blackberry thickets, and past inquiring police officers, Beau has been finding ways to satisfy his adventurous spirit close to home.

    This book is about conscious experimentation with adventure, making meaning and inspiration out of tins of beans, bits of rubbish, and elbow grease. Beau's backyard exploits are funny, authentic, insightful, and being copied all over the world.

    YouTuber, new dad, and self-described oddball who needs to shower more, Beau is what happens when you cross Bear Grylls with Bush Tucker Man. With a PhD in outdoor education, a string of successful short films under his belt, and a boundless passion for discovery, Beau is the real deal.

    ©2020 Brio Books (P)2021 Brio Books

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