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Couverture de The Back-Up Mom

The Back-Up Mom

De : Laura K. Wagner
Lu par : Phelycia Marsh
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    Many people go into the step-parenting experience thinking that their parenting skills and instincts will suffice. Why then do so many struggle with step-parenting? Why are the unique gifts and challenges of step-parenting rarely discussed?

    The Back-Up Mom is an invaluable, candid guide to step-parenting from the personal experience of a mom who has been there, learned precious lessons and is ready to share her wisdom with you.

    A stepparent’s journey is never easy. Author Laura K. Wagner reaches out to other stepparents to let them know they are not alone in their journey. Laura intertwines valuable advice with a personal narrative that lets you know you’re not alone in your journey to become an effective stepparent. You’ll learn, right along with Laura, how to keep an open mind and open heart in the journey to support your stepchildren - and yourself.

    The Back-Up Mom is the story of hope, courage and strength. The book provides step-families with the inspiration, encouragement, and information they need to open their hearts and become positive role models to their stepchildren.

    ©2014 Laura K. Wagner (P)2020 Laura K. Wagner

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