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The Average American Marriage

De : Chad Kultgen
Lu par : Chad Kultgen
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In the beginning, there was The Average American Male.

Maxim called it "pure filth".

Even Penthouse called it "appalling".

The New York Times called it "the literary love child of Neil LaBute, Judy Blume, and Eminem".

Now, Chad Kultgen's unforgettable antihero is back - this time as a married man.

"I can feel something hot twisting and burning in the pit of my stomach. For a fleeting moment I think back to a time when I was with Casey, my girlfriend before Alyna.... I tried to initiate something by grabbing her tit and kissing her when we walked through her front door. She turned to me and said something about how our relationship didn't always have to be about sex. I remember how much I wanted to smash something when she said that, how much I wanted to scream in her face that our relationship was only about sex.... Relationships between men and women are only about sex. The rest of the sh*t is incidental."

Welcome back.

©2013 Chad Kultgen (P)2013 HarperCollinsPublishers
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