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Couverture de The Ascension Game: Volume 3

The Ascension Game: Volume 3

De : Ace Arriande
Lu par : Giancarlo Herrera, Hannah Schooner
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    With the first biome fully cleared, a new companion, and a clear path to constructing an airship, all Player has to do is a bit of resource grinding before he can properly set off and explore the rest of the familiar world that he has been brought to. Of course, while he might have a clear plan to skip the next biomes in the progression order to go straight for even stronger items and equipment, the mysterious order of entities orchestrating everything behind the scenes may have more surprises in store for him. At least he has a flamethrower, a chainsaw, and a pet mimic to help him out alongside his growing relationship, but only time will tell whether or not that will be enough to survive this increasingly deadly "game."

    Note from the Author: The Ascension Game is a lightweight LitRPG that focuses more on build variety and horizontal progression rather than strictly numbers going up, though options are limited at first. The system draws inspiration for its mechanics from a variety of RPGs and sim games. Romance is included as well as unconventional relationships.

    ©2023 Ace Arriande (P)2023 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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