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Couverture de The Artemis War Omnibus

The Artemis War Omnibus

De : Adam Gaffen
Lu par : Jane Weatherstone, Veronica Wylie
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    Aiyana and Kendra Cassidy never anticipated becoming the key to humanity's survival. As leaders of the Heavy Lift Corporation, their objective is clear: secure humanity’s future among the stars. Politics? Who needs it, when the galaxy is calling?

    Their obstacles are formidable. Earth’s resources are dwindling, and the once-promising Artemis Accords now serve as a fragile shield against the oppressive Solarian Union. Political intrigue, technological challenges, and the ever-present threat of orbital bombardment from the Union make their mission perilous. Furthermore, the plan to convert sunken naval ships into a space fleet seems a desperate gamble, with both allies and enemies watching their every move.

    The consequences of failure are stark: three-quarters of Earth’s population face starvation within decades, and the Solarian Union’s dominance could become unassailable. Success, however, means a rebirth for humanity—a chance to explore the stars, establish new colonies, and reclaim control over their destiny.

    Set in a richly detailed sci-fi universe, the Artemis Wars Omnibus Edition combines space exploration, military strategy, and dystopian survival with intricate character dynamics. Follow Aiyana and Kendra as they navigate a web of political deception, technological innovation, and personal sacrifice. This is not just a battle for resources; it’s a fight for the future of mankind. Will they triumph and lead humanity into a new era among the stars? Dive into the Cassidyverse and find out.

    ©2020, 2021, 2024 Adam Gaffen, Author, LLC (P)2024 Adam Gaffen, Author, LLC

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