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Couverture de The Art of Wholesaling Properties

The Art of Wholesaling Properties

De : Aram Shah, Alex Virelles
Lu par : Sean Patrick Hopkins
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    The Art of Wholesaling Properties: How to Buy and Sell Real Estate Without Cash or Credit distills the experiences of two of the nation's largest real estate wholesalers who, all told, have flipped over 1,000 homes. Aram Shah and Alex Virelles present a step-by-step guide that explains how others may replicate their proven methods in their own wholesaling ventures.

    Listening to this book will give investors the A-to-Z insights they need for cashing in on the fastest and most profitable ways to flip paper in the real estate market. Moving along a strategic step at a time, The Art of Wholesaling Properties explains how to:

    • Make offers that actually get accepted
    • Find hidden, motivated sellers
    • Use a real estate agent to find gold mines through the Mls
    • Build a strong list of cash buyers
    • Negotiate with sellers using proven and tested scripts
    • Assign or double close on properties
    • Master the A-B, B-C transaction
    • Deploy a team and put the business on autopilot
    • Achieve financial freedom without using cash or credit!

    If you find the prospects of making money exciting, if you get the feeling there is wealth hidden in the real estate market in your community, and if you desire to learn demonstrably successful techniques to apply in your own ventures, then The Art of Wholesaling Properties: How to Buy and Sell Real Estate Without Cash or Credit will give you the guidance and education you need to begin wholesaling homes and generating profits without using your own cash or credit.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2016 Aarambh Shah and Alex Virelles (P)2016 Aarambh Shah and Alex Virelles

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