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Couverture de The Art of Sacred Smoke

The Art of Sacred Smoke

De : Neelou Malekpour
Lu par : Neelou Malekpour
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    An essential guide to the energy rituals that will transform your life.

    Learn how to cleanse and protect yourself and your space, tap into your intuition, and elevate your frequency through sacred smoke, candle, stone rituals - and more. Neelou Malekpour is here to support you for all occasions, whether that’s:

    • Healing heartache, relieving anxiety, and dispelling bad dreams;
    • Cultivating focus, receiving support during travel, and prepping a space for meditation; or
    • Calling in love, blessing others, and connecting to your highest self.

    With The Art of Sacred Smoke, Malekpour is ready to share the rituals that are essential to aligning and calibrating your energy. Learn how to use the natural ingredients she employs in her practices - and in her frequency-raising business, SMUDGED - from rose petals to palo santo, and how to source them responsibly.

    At a time when many of us are looking for mindful solutions to the chaos of modern life, The Art of Sacred Smoke offers an empowering new way to connect to nature and to your best self.

    ©2021 Neelou Malekpour (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    “Ancient techniques of energy clearing have positive effects on our lives today. Neelou’s book contributes to that store of wisdom.”—Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Return to Love and A Year of Miracles

    "What touches our hearts most are the rituals that bring meaning to the smallest moments of our days. This practical guide to the uses of sacred herbs and flowers as medicine for cleansing is perfectly timed and utterly inspiring."—Elena Brower, bestselling author of Art of Attention and Practice You

    "Now, more than ever before, we need to be reunited with the sacred, with the light that never went away, only dimmed. This book, these beautiful words, these rituals, sweep in like smoke but stay. These are the miracles in all the mundane I always try to speak of, and Neelou manages to capture them so perfectly. What a gift."—Tyler Knott Gregson, bestselling author of Chasers of the Light

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