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  • The Art of Education

  • Equip Yourself with the Best Practices and Curriculum Strategies That Don’t Sacrifice Holistic Education, Creativity, and Mental Well-Being
  • De : Lola Kay
  • Lu par : Laura Greaves
  • Durée : 4 h et 5 min

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The Art of Education

De : Lola Kay
Lu par : Laura Greaves
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    Are you interested in providing a learning environment that caters to all learning types, realizes students' potential, and nurtures their creative expression and mental well-being? If so, you’ve picked up the right book!

    Inside The Art of Education, The Routines Edition, you'll discover:

    The key objectives and immense benefits of implementing structured routines that support self-directed learning, creativity, critical thinking skills, self-management abilities, and a sense of community. How establishing simple routines like greetings and centering activities throughout your instruction sets students up for success. Step-by-step guidance on preparing students before, during, and after classroom activities to provide clear expectations that foster effective time management skills and more!

    The importance of closing each lesson with easy routines that allow students to connect with the content on a deeper level, establish personal connections with their studies, take ownership of their learning, and build confidence for upcoming lessons relationship-building strategies you can seamlessly integrate into your regular routines.

    This "secret sauce" is what takes your classroom from boring and robotic to a fun, engaging community where students thrive! MOST IMPORTANTLY! How can you equip yourself with low-tech, high-result tools that empower students with critical soft skills for real-world challenges, our evolving job market, and a rewarding adulthood? As an experienced special educator who continues to witness incredible growth in my students with these routines, I'm now on a mission to equip my fellow educators with these invaluable time-tested tools.

    Implement just a few of the routines laid out step-by-step in this book, and you'll quickly see increased student participation, deeper learning, and higher test scores, all while freeing up more of your time and energy. Use your teaching powers to make your classroom fun and equitable for all! Get your copy now.

    ©2024 Lola Kay (P)2024 Lola Kay

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