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Couverture de The Archon

The Archon

De : Catherine Fisher
Lu par : Judith Boyd
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    "Things are going wrong". Alexos is now The Archon, the god-on-Earth, but Mirany, the young priestess, realises that nothing has changed. General Argelin still controls the army and Hermia still controls the temple, and their scheming and treachery threaten to ignite a war with the Emperor himself. And now, in the second book of The Oracle Trilogy, Alexos is determined to undertake a terrifying quest across the desert to the Mountains of the Moon to find the long lost Well of Songs. "I will drink of the water, and bring it back for you, from beyond death and the desert. I will make the rivers flow and the crops grow for you. I will save you, my people."

    ©2024 Craftsman Audio (P)2024 Craftsman Audio

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