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Couverture de The Angst of Adolescence

The Angst of Adolescence

De : Dr. Sara Villanueva
Lu par : Karen Saltus
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    Being a good parent is one of the most difficult, yet most rewarding, jobs a person can have in his or her lifetime. Being the parent of a teen is an especially daunting phase of the journey. As parents begin to notice the significant changes that come with adolescence (physical changes brought about by puberty, the constant angst and moodiness, and of course the classic eye-rolling and the I-know-it-all attitude), they wonder just what happened to their happy, sweet, and affectionate young boy or girl. Parents sit by amazed - and often lost and unprepared - as they witness their child morph and mutate into a full-blown pubescent display of emotions.

    The Angst of Adolescence: How to Parent Your Teen and Live to Laugh About It, written in a conversational, informative, humorous, and relatable style, promises to deliver trustworthy resource for parents of teens who are searching for answers and guidance about how to maneuver their way through this tricky developmental period.

    Dr. Sara Villanueva, a prominent psychologist specializing in the adolescent years, shares relevant research findings so that parents can be informed of the facts as opposed to making assumptions based on ubiquitous but questionable sources. Most of all, it will provide parents of teenagers with perspective in the midst of angst so they can come away with the sense that they are not alone in their experience of raising teens. Many, many people have gone through it, and we can all relate to and learn from one another.

    Most of what your teen is feeling and expressing is normal and falls within the expected range of behavior for adolescent development. Despite the challenges involved in parenting teens, we should take time to focus on the positive things in life and live with our child through the tough adolescent years so that we emerge on the other side with friendship and a deeper bond.

    ©2015 Sara Villanueva (P)2015 Gildan Media LLC


    "Villanueva, a developmental psychologist, uses an informal, conversational style in this helpful parenting book, sharing anecdotes from her own experiences as a mother of four who is currently raising two teens, as well as up-to-date information on brain development. …Villanueva's friendly primer will help parents learn to appreciate, enjoy, and accept their teens as they are, while patiently negotiating the challenges and changes inherent in adolescence." ( Publishers Weekly)

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