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The Ancient Underground Wall in Rockwall, Texas

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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The underground rock wall in Rockwall, Texas has fascinated me for years.

I’ve studied everything I could online about it. Recently I moved from Los Angeles to Denton, Texas which is only about an hour drive from Rockwall. So I went there and spent an hour with the Rockwall County Museum Curator and learned a lot more about the structure.

I was also able to examine and take pictures of the wall section moved from the actual wall and reconstructed outside the museum.

In this book I’ve related the history of the wall’s discovery, excavations, interesting items and structures found on or near the wall, and information about possible giants who might have built it.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about this structure which still need to be learned. Those questions are listed near the end of this book.

©2022 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Histoire
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