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Couverture de The Always God

The Always God

De : Jarrett Stephens, Sheila Walsh - foreword
Lu par : Jarrett Stephens
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    Our unchanging God can change everything. Discover how with the influential teaching pastor of one of America’s largest and most diverse churches.

    There’s a rising sense of uncertainty and turmoil in the world and in our lives. Loss and disappointment seem endless - whether because of an unexpected diagnosis, a desperate search for a job, or our concern for the future of those we love.

    During heart-crushing “Why is this happening?” moments, we can feel abandoned. Has God given up on us? Is he no longer responding? Has he just...left?

    Pastor Jarrett Stephens understands. He’s battled his own doubt and frustration and has walked with others through their struggles and anxieties.

    And he’s discovered some really good news. Even when we don’t understand what God is doing, he is always at work - pursuing the lost, restoring the broken, calming the anxious, comforting the lonely, helping the angry, encouraging the fearful, and forgiving the guilty.

    The Always God invites us to quiet ourselves and listen to the God who does not change or forget us. Not ever. And that truth changes everything.

    ©2021 Jarrett Stephens (P)2021 Random House Audio

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