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Couverture de The Alvarez Girls

The Alvarez Girls

De : J.E. Ortega
Lu par : Johanny Ortega
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    A military vigilante is born.

    In a gripping military thriller novella, Yaneriz and Amaya, two Dominican twins with an unbreakable bond, are about to embark on a journey that will test the limits of their connection.

    As the story unfolds, Yaneriz, the one who chose a different path in life, feels an inexplicable pinch in her chest while wrapping up her last photography gig of the year. It's a sensation she hasn't felt since childhood when her sister, Amaya, was hurt during a fateful day in the Dominican Republic.

    Driven by concern and a deep sense of connection, Yaneriz makes her way to Fort Hood, Texas, where Amaya is stationed. But what she encounters there is far from what she expected.

    As Yaneriz dons her sister's uniform, she becomes enmeshed in a web of confusion and secrecy. Everyone mistakes her for Amaya, and the people around her act strangely. Determined to uncover the truth behind Amaya's sudden silence and mysterious vacation, Yaneriz dives headfirst into a whirlwind of intrigue.But the surprises don't end there. As the search intensifies, a spectral presence, the ghost of their beloved grandma who raised them, follows Yaneriz, adding an unconventional teammate to the rescue mission.

    Join Yaneriz as she navigates the treacherous waters of Fort Hood, unravels hidden truths, and seeks to reunite with her sister. In "The Alvarez Girls," the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, leaving you on the edge of your seat until the very last minute.

    ©2022 Have a Cup of Johanny (P)2022 Have a Cup of Johanny

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