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The Alpha Female

De : Chris Massey
Lu par : Queen Amamoah
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The Alpha-Female will help you open up all of your inner beauties by placing you in the mind-set to conquer your world. Take notice that implementing only one of the many tips within this audiobook will drastically improve your life; these areas include but are not limited to relationships with your spouse, developing a healthy self-image, and improving your confidence.  

This audiobook has been beautifully structured to impact you in the most striking way possible. Each chapter is carefully broken down directing you with a story about a woman, Katrina Bail, then leads you into an analytical discussion of what transpired prior by describing the high points of the protagonist's actions and scrutinizing her weakness. Through the power of words, you will feel the potential deeply within to become the woman you know you can be, an independent woman.   

This audiobook works as a guide to becoming an alpha female. It is principle-based, not rule-based, because of the peculiar circumstances that different people face. Every woman is born with the ability to change her world in her way. This means becoming an alpha female brings out the best in you. It does not inject alien blood and genes into your system, nor does it try to have your mind-controlled toward following a particular path. Overall, being an independent woman is essential.

©2018 Christopher Massey (P)2018 Christopher Massey
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