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Couverture de The Alex Cave Series, Books 1-3

The Alex Cave Series, Books 1-3

De : James M. Corkill
Lu par : Paul J. McSorley
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    Oil supplies begin to vanish without a trace and society starts to crumble! 

    While on vacation sailing the waters of the Puget Sound, geophysicist Alex Cave hears a mayday call on the radio and sees a brilliant flash of neon-blue light surround an oil tanker. He changes course to help and discovers there was no explosion, there's no one on board, and the oil has mysteriously vanished without a trace. 

    The bodies of the missing crew are found hundreds of miles away in the snow on Mount Baker, but there are no footprints leading in or out of the area. Oil starts to disappear around the world, and the only clue is a dollar-size crystal found in the hold of an empty oil tanker. 

    The situation gets bad when sudden freezing temperatures cause weather patterns to change for the worse and threaten a catastrophe that will affect the entire world. The situation goes from bad to worse when an alien artifact discovered on one of the Aleutian Islands is stolen and taken to COBRA, a private top-secret research facility south of Yellowstone National Park. The scientist in charge has no idea what she’s dealing with and things go horribly wrong. 

    Find out what happens by grabbing your copy now.

    ©2002, 2017 James M. Corkill (P)2019 James M. Corkill

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