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The Alchemy of Happiness

De : Al-Ghazzali
Lu par : Lomakayu
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Although he is not from everlasting, yet he lives forever; and though his body is mean and earthly, yet his spirit is lofty and divine. When in the crucible of abstinence he is purged from carnal passions, he attains to the highest, and in place of being a slave to lust and anger, becomes endued with angelic qualities. Attaining that state, he finds his heaven in the contemplation of eternal beauty, and no longer in fleshly delights. The spiritual alchemy which operates this change in him, like that which transmutes base metals into gold, is not easily discovered, nor found in the house of every old woman. It is to explain that alchemy and its methods of operation that the author has undertaken this work, which he has entitled, The Alchemy of Happiness. Now the treasuries of God, in which this alchemy is to be sought, are the hearts of the prophets, and he, who seeks it elsewhere will be disappointed and bankrupt on the day of judgment, when he hears the words, "We have lifted the veil from off thee, and thy sight to-day is keen".

  • Chapter I: The Knowledge of Self
  • Chapter II: The Knowledge of God
  • Chapter III: The Knowledge of This World
  • Chapter IV: The Knowledge of the Next World
  • Chapter V: Concerning Music and Dancing as Aids to the Religious Life
  • Chapter VI: Concerning Self-Examination and the Recollection of God
  • Chapter VII: Marriage as a Help or Hindrance to the Religious Life
  • Chapter VIII: The Love of God
Public Domain (P)2021 Medicine of One
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