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  • The Agility Advantage

  • How to Identify and Act on Opportunities in a Fast-Changing World
  • De : Amanda Setili
  • Lu par : Jennette Selig
  • Durée : 6 h et 54 min

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The Agility Advantage

De : Amanda Setili
Lu par : Jennette Selig
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    How to win market leadership in a fast-changing world.

    In the past, companies could pick a strategy and stick with it, maintaining a competitive edge for years. But today, companies surge ahead, fall behind, or even disappear in mere months. If you and your company are going to thrive for the long run, you need to continuously evolve, change, and stay a step ahead of your competition.

    The ability to see and capitalize on new opportunities is the cornerstone of agility. Successful technology-based firms like Google, Tesla, and Amazon have all mastered agility within their core business practices, but companies in any sector can - and must - learn to spot new opportunities and make the right choices about what to invest in, what to change, and what to abandon.

    The Agility Advantage first shows how to identify those aspects of your business where agility is most crucial - where the business environment is changing fast - and which elements have the greatest impact on the customer's decision to buy. Amanda Setili then shows how to master the three components of agility:

    • Market agility: Gain ideas from your most demanding and forward-thinking customers and from outside your industry. Engage, observe, and mix with customers to identify the opportunities created by their changing demands.
    • Decision agility: Anticipate the changes that may affect you and turn even troubling trends into opportunities. Design your strategy to maximize learning and to manage risk. Generate diverse alternatives and make fast, fact-based decisions about which to pursue.
    • Execution agility: Build new capabilities, shed what doesn't fit, and take the first steps in a new direction. Experiment, then reinforce and build on what works. Enlist and inspire your organization around a compelling purpose and grant employees the autonomy and resources to continuously adapt and adjust course.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2014 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (P)2014 Audible Inc.

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