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  • The Age of the Individual and My Life and Times in It

  • C'est la Vie!
  • De : Frank Veszely
  • Lu par : Wyntner Woody
  • Durée : 5 h et 3 min

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Couverture de The Age of the Individual and My Life and Times in It

The Age of the Individual and My Life and Times in It

De : Frank Veszely
Lu par : Wyntner Woody
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    Why listen to this book? It’s not to learn about a unique life. Not to know what it is like to be an immigrant in Canada. Not what it is like to live with a heart disease and survive. Not to learn about the consequences of traumatic brain injury. Not to learn what life behind the Iron Curtain was like, or democracy should be. Not to learn survival skills or perseverance, or what to do when you find yourself helpless in the world you live in. Not how to believe in yourself and why, or how to succeed in difficult circumstances. Not to hopefully understand your grandparents better. How to become a better person? You should not listen to this for better understanding the world we live in. Not even to become keenly aware of your own vulnerable humanity, as you feel connected to another being. No. It’s for all of the above.

    Best to listen to it when you feel alone. You will.

    ©2023 Frank Veszely (P)2024 Frank Veszely

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