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Couverture de The Aerialist

The Aerialist

De : Morgan Lysand
Lu par : Zachary Zaba
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    Brighton was a gangly awkward teenager the last time he saw his dad’s best friend Zander. Six years later, Brighton’s an adult, and still very aware Zander is hot.

    As an aerialist in the Black Cat Circus, raven-shifter Brighton has honed his skills in the air. On the ground, not so much. He’s best friends with a cat—the circus mascot—and reads in his free time. But despite his seemingly quiet nature, Brighton knows what he wants. Zander.

    Zander is freshly retired from a career in the military and eager for a new adventure. The circus awaits! Unfortunately, his best friend retired from said circus and decided to celebrate with a month long trip, leaving Zander alone with his kid. Zander remembers an adorable child, not the handsome young man Brighton has become, and his intense attraction makes him feel all kinds of wrong.

    Can Brighton keep his secrets safe from his biggest crush? Can Zander control his yearning for the young acrobat? What will Brighton’s father think?

    The Aerialist is a spicy dad’s-best-friend paranormal MM romance with a touch of primal play, forced proximity, and so. Many. Crop. Tops. It is part of the Black Cat Circus, a multi-author series that features found family and a magical cast of characters. Each book can be listened to as a standalone, but better enjoyed together.

    ©2023, 2024 Morgan Lysand (P)2024 Morgan Lysand

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