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The Advent of Divine Justice

De : Shoghi Effendi
Lu par : Adam Mondschein
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"Know thou, of a truth, these great oppressions that have befallen the world are preparing it for the advent of the Most Great Justice." (Bahá'u'lláh)

The Advent of Divine Justice is Shoghi Effendi's gift to the North American believers. In it, Shoghi Effendi outlines our destiny and mission while focusing our attention on the challenges, opportunities, and requisites for success in our endeavors to serve the Cause of Baha'u'lláh. He pays particular attention to the specific ills afflicting our community which must be conquered through "moral rectitude", "complete freedom from prejudice", and observance of "absolute chastity".

What is of unique significance is how Shoghi Effendi devotes more than half of the entire address to the subject of teaching. He outlines the "spiritual obligation" placed before every believer "to make of the mandate of teaching...the all pervading concern" of their lives. Serving both as a warning signal and a call to action, The Advent of Divine Justice is the guide for any believer treading the path of service.

Produced by: Jon Rezin for

Read by: Adam Mondschein. Directed by: Jon Rezin. Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by: Jon Rezin at Small Room Productions, LA. Music By: Jon Rezin. Album Design by: Andrew Johnson. Copyright 2009.

Please visit us at for more information.

By permission of the copyright owner, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States copyright 1939-1984.

©1939, 1967, 1984 1990 The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (P)2009
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