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  • The Achievement Trap

  • The Over-Achiever, People-Pleaser, and Perfectionist's Guide to Freedom and True Success
  • De : Brandilyn Tebo
  • Lu par : Brandilyn Tebo
  • Durée : 2 h et 58 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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The Achievement Trap

De : Brandilyn Tebo
Lu par : Brandilyn Tebo
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    The achievement trap is when we fall prey to the illusion that we must achieve in order to prove our worth (which leaves us stressed out and disconnected from our purpose). In the achievement trap, we forget that everything we do is a choice, that we are unconditionally worthy, that we have nothing to prove, and that goals are games we choose to play.

    In this groundbreaking new book The Achievement Trap, acclaimed life coach Brandilyn Tebo shares a proven step-by-step process to getting rid of that pesky sense of never doing enough and never being good enough. She guides you through exercises and thought experiments that she uses with her clients to heal the root of their stress, indecisiveness, franticness, insecurity, and self-doubt. Listening to this book is like having your own personal no-nonsense life coach guiding you to achieving truly meaningful goals from a good feeling place.

    • Symptoms of being stuck in the achievement trap are
    • Frequently feels stressed, uncertain and afraid of what people will think
    • Needs approval from others before going for it
    • Regularly panics about not getting enough done
    • Constantly feels inadequate despite accomplishments
    • Judges worth based on business
    • Self-quantifies (looks to numbers: weight, salary, or Instagram followers to measure worth)
    ©2018 B. C. Allen Publishing Group, LLC (P)2018 B. C. Allen Publishing Group, LLC

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