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  • The Academy Saga: The Elite & Gifted

  • De : CJ Daly
  • Lu par : Paige Harper
  • Durée : 20 h et 19 min

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The Academy Saga: The Elite & Gifted

De : CJ Daly
Lu par : Paige Harper
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    Be careful what you wish for....

    Barely 17, and I'm already suffocating. Since my mother's death, my father has basically checked out, leaving us kids to fend for ourselves out in the New Mexico scrub. All I want is a little distraction from my boring life.

    When two mysterious guys show up at the diner where I work, I think my wish has come true. Until they start giving me a hard time. I've learned that pretty and poor is a bad combination; it just seems to bring out the bully in some people - like those two alpha jerks. Something about them twitches my internal antennae - they're gorgeous, elite, and positively ooze danger. And for some reason they want me. But not to worry, they're just passing through. I mean, I'm never going to see them again. Right? Then they appear in an alley one night, to either rescue or kidnap me (I'm still not sure which), before disappearing.

    I put the bizarre encounters out of my mind, because I have bigger problems to worry about, like money. And that secret military academy that's been pursuing my gifted little brother. When one of their cadets shows up in my small town, he's an instant sensation. And just happens to be one of those mysterious guys from the diner. Coincidence? Mama said there's no such thing, and to always trust my instinct. But that might be kind of hard, because every time I'm around Cadet Davenport, my gut starts flip-flopping on me...and my heart.

    Can Kate Connelly keep it together long enough to stop Cadet Davenport's mission? She's about to find out. And - once again - how suddenly life can be split into the before and after.

    Publisher's note: The Academy Saga is meant for mature listeners who crave suspense and slow-burning chemistry that builds into a steamy sweet and dark romance. It's packed with secrets and thrills that will give you all the small-town romance feels!

    Scroll up to buy your copy now, and get in on all the fun banter, angst, and intrigue of this Enemies to Lovers Romance.

    A four-time Readers' Favorite Five-star book series.

    A page-resisting Suspense Romance Book Viral agrees is "the next best start to a series since Twilight and The Hunger Games."

    ©2019 Christine Daly (P)2023 Christine Daly
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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