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Couverture de The ADKAR Advantage

The ADKAR Advantage

De : Karen Ball, Prosci Publications
Lu par : Karen Ball
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    A Prosci Publication Written by Karen Ball

    Foreword by Jeffrey M. Hiatt, Author, ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government and our Community

    Why Do Some Changes Fail While Others Succeed?

    That question was the catalyst that drove Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt in the late 1990s to uncover the secret to successful change—and develop the popular change management model known as ADKAR.

    ADKAR is an acronym for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. It’s a model and conceptual framework that makes change make sense.

    The ADKAR Advantage sheds new light on this powerful yet simple model for facilitating change while providing in-depth “how-to” guidance and helpful downloadable resources. With ADKAR as your new lens, you can achieve the outcomes you seek from change and sustain them over time.

    That’s The ADKAR Advantage.

    “When ADKAR is present, CHANGE HAPPENS.”—ADKAR Storyteller

    The book content is organized into three parts:

    • Part 1: How One Person Makes a Change
    • Part 2: How Groups of People Make a Change
    • Part 3: How Organizations Become Better at Change

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Prosci, Inc. (P)2024 Prosci, Inc.

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