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  • The 7 Essential Dad-Skills

  • Replace Your Children’s Misbehavior with Cooperation. Increase the Odds Your Children Will Make Good Choices Even When You Are Not Around. Build a Strong Family Where Your Children Learn and Practice Good Values
  • De : Richard O'Keef
  • Lu par : Zachary Locklear
  • Durée : 4 h et 11 min

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The 7 Essential Dad-Skills

De : Richard O'Keef
Lu par : Zachary Locklear
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    Is this audiobook for you? If you have come to a decision that what you are doing is not working, or that you could use some ideas on how to be a better dad, you’ve come to the right place.

    What you can expect: This audiobook shows you the most effective ways to address your children’s unwanted behaviors, such as disregarding rules, ignoring or refusing to do what you ask, fighting with siblings, disrespectful backtalk, and telling lies. It shows you the best ways to keep your children from going down dark paths leading to drug and alcohol addiction, pornography, teenage pregnancies, crime, gang involvement, and other paths that result in unhappiness.

    Improve relationships: This audiobook shows you the best ways to strengthen the relationships you have with your children. When you have good relationships, your children will be more receptive to your teachings, and more responsive to your correcting. Relationships are what bring you the most joy and fulfillment as a dad.

    How it works: You will be introduced to four emotional needs that drive all children’s behavior. When you meet these emotional needs, three things happen:

    • Behavior improves naturally. Behavior becomes a problem when these needs go unmet.
    • The odds increase that your kids will make good choices when you are not around.
    • The values and expected behavior you teach will be received more willingly by your children.

    You will meet these needs by practicing The 7 Essential Dad-Skills.

    You will learn fast: the author deliberately made this audiobook easy to listen to so you can digest the entire audiobook in a short amount of time, making it possible to see the results quickly. He has taken the most effective dad-skills and made them easy to understand with step-by-step instructions that work fast. Now you need only go to one place to find the best information on how to be the best dad you can be.

    ©2022 Richard O'Keef (P)2022 Richard O'Keef

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