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Couverture de The 5 Secrets to Sustainable Self-Motivation

The 5 Secrets to Sustainable Self-Motivation

De : Nithya Rangarajan
Lu par : Nithya Rangarajan
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    A woman's journey from aspiration to inspiration with self-motivation!

    Do you have these questions in your mind?

    • “I feel guilty being at my workplace when my child needs me the most. How do I overcome this?”
    • “I’m a home-maker and I feel so demotivated to try new things”.
    • “I paused my career for my dear ones, and now I want to make a comeback, but something is preventing me from that.”
    • “Why do such unpleasant things happen to me? Am I the only person who’s born to suffer?”

    Yes: Let’s travel together and answer these.

    No: Great. Let’s travel together to discover a new better you!!

    Hi there!! Welcome to a superb journey of self-motivation, a gift to uplift ourselves in life. Let’s lay the path to success together.

    As a woman, several problems in your life might make you wonder whether you’ll conquer or surrender to them. In order to progress in life, you need to learn to solve those problems and pave the way for a new version of yourself. Interestingly, there is one thing that can do the magic for you, and that’s self-motivation. However, to sustain that one magical thing, you have to inculcate certain values.

    Learn these values by travelling with me as I uncover those invaluable secrets one by one in this book. Create and prepare yourself for new opportunities in life and inspire others. Inviting you to experience the transformation in you with these five secrets to sustainable self-motivation.

    ©2022 Nithya Rangarajan (P)2022 Nithya Rangarajan

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