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  • The 369 Method for Black Women

  • Journal & Book of Affirmations for Black Women Manifesting
  • De : Maxine Haris
  • Lu par : Holly H Baynham
  • Durée : 3 h et 13 min

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The 369 Method for Black Women

De : Maxine Haris
Lu par : Holly H Baynham
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    "The 369 Method for Black Women Journal & Book of Affirmations for Black Women Manifesting is a empowering and transformative guide designed specifically for Black women seeking to manifest their dreams and embrace their authentic selves. This meticulously crafted book is a fusion of self-discovery, affirmation, and manifestation techniques, tailored to celebrate the unique journey of Black women.

    The heart of the book lies in the powerful 369 Method—a manifestation technique that aligns intentions with the power of numerology and the universe. Derived from Nikola Tesla's famous quote, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe," this method empowers Black women to tap into the cosmic energies and unlock their manifestation prowess.

    The affirmations section serves as a daily companion, offering a collection of uplifting and empowering statements tailored to the experiences and aspirations of Black women. Grounded in the principles of self-love, resilience, and cultural pride, these affirmations serve as a guiding light, nurturing a positive mindset and fostering a sense of empowerment.

    The book also weaves in insights from Black female trailblazers, sharing stories of resilience, success, and authenticity. These inspirational narratives serve as beacons of encouragement, illustrating the infinite possibilities that await those who embrace their unique identity and walk boldly in the direction of their dreams.

    The 369 Method for Black Women is not just a book; it's a sacred space for personal growth, self-love, and manifestation. It invites Black women to step into their power, celebrate their individuality, and manifest a future that reflects their truest desires. With its carefully curated blend of manifestation techniques and affirmations, this book becomes a trusted companion on the transformative journey toward a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

    ©2024 Simple Code Publishing (P)2024 Simple Code Publishing

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