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Couverture de The 3 Things

The 3 Things

De : Maggie Boxey
Lu par : Maggie Boxey
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    Through Maggie’s youth, she was reminded by her preacher father of The 3 Things: you are part of a family, be true to yourself, and glorify God in all that you do. But as Maggie shares in this transformational book, those old truths take on new meaning in modern life, recovery, and motherhood.

    Sometimes, simplicity can untangle the most complicated messes. Even in the darkest pit with the cold hard slab of rock bottom pressed against our face, there is a lifeline of truth, a rope of wisdom, by which we can pull ourselves out. As Maggie Boxey curled into a tight ball of overwhelming shame, addiction, and isolation, she could hear her preacher father’s voice, echoing in her ears. “You are part of a family. Be true to yourself. Glorify God in all that you do.”

    It took her 25 hard, traumatic years for her to fully grasp the depth of her father’s words, through her time serving in the Navy, through mental health crises, and through losing custody of her firstborn child due to her addiction.

    With the 3 things as her guide, Maggie gathered powerful forces to aid her in her recovery: contemplation, community, celebration, and compassion for herself and others. She relied on her 12-step recovery community to help her get sober and put in the humble work to right the wrongs of her past. She became part of a family again, both chosen and inherited. Her compassionate honesty allowed her to be true to herself.

    And she remembered what it means to glorify God in all she did, whether that was taking out the trash, giving birth to her children, or writing a book in service to others, The 3 Things.

    Through The 3 Things, Maggie offers listeners a path through contemplation, community, and celebration, in order to find true compassion for ourselves and others.

    ©2024 Maggie Boxey (P)2024 Rise Books

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