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  • The 15 Laws of Successful Property Investment

  • The Essential Beginners Guide to Laying Solid Foundations for Your Property Business
  • De : David Tarn
  • Lu par : Rhys David
  • Durée : 11 h et 15 min

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The 15 Laws of Successful Property Investment

De : David Tarn
Lu par : Rhys David
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    Interested in the concept of property investing but unsure where to start?

    This book is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject.

    It will give you a firm understanding of precisely what is needed to be successful with your investments as well as offer you guidance and clarity on what your next tasks should be.

    The book is no-nonsense, which is something people have come to expect from David Tarn, who wrote The 123 on Property - The Complete No-Nonsense Guide back in 2017, which has risen to be an Audible best seller and has achieved huge success since its release on Audible in 2019.

    This book has everything you need to understand the property investment industry.

    No sales, no hype, just good honest education and sound advice! That is always David's guarantee.

    ©2023 David Tarn (P)2023 David Tarn

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