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Couverture de The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children

The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children

De : Steven W. Vannoy
Lu par : Carl Martens
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    The 20th anniversary edition of the classic parenting book, now updated to reflect Steven Vannoy’s two decades of experience helping both families and businesses better care for their children and employees. 

    For more than 20 years, The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children has been helping parents to put the joy back into parenting. Steven Vannoy’s unique parenting style is designed to create a harmonious family atmosphere with self-esteem, compassion, balance, humor, communication, integrity, responsibility, conscious choice, and full expression of emotions.

     And parents are not the only ones who have benefited from Vannoy’s wisdom. In the years since the book was first published, Vannoy has used the principles in this book to help businesses worldwide create healthier and more fulfilling workplaces.

    With updated principles and a new foreword by the author, this 20th anniversary edition will help both new and old fans of The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children build better relationships with their children and colleagues, both in the office and at home.

    ©1994, 2014 Steven W. Vannoy (P)2020 Carl Martens

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