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Couverture de That Prince Is Mine

That Prince Is Mine

De : Jayci Lee
Lu par : Olivia Song
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    Library Journal's Romance Pick of the Month

    A love-averse Korean royal court cuisine instructor is waylaid by a gorgeous professor—and prince in disguise—who will do anything to prove to her that love and happily ever after can be theirs.

    Emma Yoon dreams of opening a culinary school in Los Angeles. To that end, she teaches Korean royal court cuisine to hopeful brides of upper-crust Korean families. Thanks to her godmother, a renowned matchmaker, business is booming. But when rival matchmakers plot against her godmother using Emma’s single status, she must save her godmother’s reputation and her dreams by finding a perfect-on-paper husband—even if she’s not ready for love. Meeting the gorgeous and irresistible Professor Michel Chevalier is not part of her plan.

    Prince Michel Chevalier refuses to marry a woman handpicked by his elders. If he must spend the rest of his life in service to his country, he wants to do so with someone he loves by his side. With only three months left until his arranged engagement is formally announced, Michel escapes to Los Angeles to find a bride of his choosing, someone who loves him for himself rather than his crown. Serendipity leads him right to Emma Yoon, who might just be the woman of his dreams.

    A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin’s Press.

    ©2024 Jayci Lee (P)2024 Macmillan Audio


    "In That Prince is Mine, Jayci Lee delivers a fairy-tale romance that is both dreamy and grounded, sweet but also fan-yourself sexy. Emma and Michel's love story was a joy to read!"—Mia Sosa, USA Today bestselling author of The Worst Best Man

    "A tender and sexy romance that [readers] will absolutely devour."—Library Journal, starred review

    "Lee's modern-day royalty romance provides a very satisfying read with appealing characters and palpable chemistry."—Booklist

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