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  • Tender Mercies

  • Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Six (The Forlorn, Book 2)
  • De : Karen Gammons
  • Lu par : Louise Keeler
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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Tender Mercies

De : Karen Gammons
Lu par : Louise Keeler
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    Love, Life, and Friendship come from the tender mercies of God.

    After the loss of her first child, Frances is desperate for something that will keep her mind busy. When one of the town council members offers her a job as Forlorn’s new librarian, Frances jumps at the opportunity. But when the town’s crazy homeless woman, Amanda Pritchett, who steals from people of the town, and then starts stealing books, Frances has to decide how to handle her in a Godly way. 

    Frances’ sister-in-law, Faith, tells Frances about Amanda losing her husband and children to an illness and that is why she is acting out. Frances sees the common ground they have, since Frances’ first husband had died and she recently lost her first child. Their friendship starts out rocky, but grows deep. Frances even leads Amanda back to God.

    During a blizzard on Thanksgiving night, Frances discovers that she’s with child. Frances is scared to reveal it to Joseph—what if she loses this child, too? And how will Amanda take the news? Will she hate that Frances has what Amanda so desires? Will the tender mercies of God see her through? Find out in Tender Mercies, book two in the Forlorn Series.

    ©2023 Karen Gammons (P)2024 Karen Gammons

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