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  • Tenacious

  • A Championship Mentality for Young Athletes
  • De : Mike Hogan
  • Lu par : Todd Eflin
  • Durée : 3 h et 25 min

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De : Mike Hogan
Lu par : Todd Eflin
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    Start performing like an elite athlete. Discover the steps to achieve mental toughness and reach the top of your game.

    Have you ever wondered why some athletes perform exceptionally well while others are barely able to keep up with their game?

    Are you looking for ways to improve your game and move up the ladder of success?

    Most people think that winning at any game is governed by the physical prowess of an athlete. While fitness is imperative, it’s not the only thing that leads them to success.

    Winning at any game requires mental resilience as much (or even more) than physical fitness. However, most people fail to understand this, and thus never reach the elite status of the athletes they admire.

    A lack of mental toughness is the nemesis of an athlete, as it can cause you to feel incompetent, perform poorly, or even quit your athletic career midway.

    You might be thinking that mental toughness is something you are born with, and if you don’t have it, you can’t make it big in your sport.

    That’s where you’re wrong! With commitment, focus, and sheer will, you can become mentally tough and take your game to the next level.

    Luckily for you, this guidebook is jam-packed with actionable strategies and tips that will help you flare up your self-confidence, become resilient, and perform your very best in every game.

    Inside, you will discover:

    • The exact prescription for achieving mental toughness: Improve your game by leaps and bounds by following these effective strategies.
    • A full rundown on mental toughness and why it is important for an athlete.
    • A quick tour of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, and how to use it to achieve mental toughness.
    • Five fears and worries that can corrupt an athlete’s mind, and their easy fixes.
    • Lessons on how to improve your physical fitness and achieve athletic excellence, including exercises for immediate results.
    • A complete guide on mindfulness and meditation–including an overview of different meditation styles for all levels.
    • Three visualization techniques and exercises to achieve mental toughness and reach the top of your game.

    And so much more!

    Mental toughness isn’t synonymous with beating yourself down and punishing yourself for even the slightest of mistakes, it’s a proven way of achieving mental dominance and improving your game.

    And with this guide by your side, you’ll be able to achieve a winner’s mindset and become resilient so you can reach the elite status for which you are striving.

    ©2023 Mike Hogan (P)2023 Mike Hogan

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