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Couverture de Ten Ways to Pray

Ten Ways to Pray

De : Carolyn Pirtle, McGrath Institute for Church Life, John C. Cavadini - foreword
Lu par : Nikki Zakocs
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    Winner of a third-place award for best new religious book from the Catholic Media Association.

    Whether you are just beginning to develop a consistent prayer practice or are looking for a new approach to spiritual growth, Ten Ways to Pray will explore a variety of traditional forms of Catholic prayer that enable you to draw closer to God and the communion of saints.

    This practical introduction to ten traditional forms of prayer from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame will help you develop a richer spiritual life that draws you closer to the triune God and the communion of saints. Carolyn Pirtle provides intriguing bits of history, engaging spiritual and theological commentary, and step-by-step guidance for trying ten distinct ways of praying that Catholics have utilized across the centuries and around the world in order to develop your own prayer practice.

    These include praying with scripture; to consecrate time through the Liturgy of the Hours and the Angelus; through experience in the Examen; through action in the Works of Mercy; through the beauty of nature, art, and music; and through silence.

    ©2021 McGrath Institute for Church Life (P)2024 eChristian

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