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  • Tech Trends in Practice

  • The 25 Technologies That Are Driving the 4th Industrial Revolution
  • De : Bernard Marr
  • Lu par : Rich Miller
  • Durée : 7 h et 4 min

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Tech Trends in Practice

De : Bernard Marr
Lu par : Rich Miller
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    How will the latest technologies transform your business? Tech Trends in Practice will give you the knowledge of today's most important technology trends and how to take full advantage of them to grow your business. The book presents 25 real-world technology trends along with their potential contributions to organizational success. You'll learn how to integrate existing advancements and plan for those that are on the way.

    In this book, best-selling author, strategic business advisor, and respected futurist Bernard Marr explains the role of technology in providing innovative businesses solutions for companies of varying sizes and across different industries. He covers wide-ranging trends and provides an overview of how companies are using these new and emerging technologies in practice.

    You, too, can prepare your company for the potential and power of trending technology by examining these and other areas of innovation described in Tech Trends in Practice: artificial intelligence, including machine and deep learning; the internet of things and the rise of smart devices; self-driving cars and autonomous drones; 3D printing and additive manufacturing; blockchain technology; genomics and gene editing; and augmented, virtual, and mixed reality.

    ©2020 Bernard Marr (P)2021 Gildan Media

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