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  • Teaching Tomorrow

  • AI and the Evolution of Pedagogy
  • De : Alex Morgan
  • Lu par : Shaun Acker
  • Durée : 2 h et 21 min

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Couverture de Teaching Tomorrow

Teaching Tomorrow

De : Alex Morgan
Lu par : Shaun Acker
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    Step into the future of education with "Teaching Tomorrow: AI and the Evolution of Pedagogy." In this enlightening exploration, we journey through the history and transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom. From its humble beginnings to its current sophisticated applications, discover how AI is reshaping pedagogy and student engagement.

    Explore groundbreaking AI-driven techniques such as personalized feedback and adaptive learning, revolutionizing how educators tailor teaching to individual student needs. Learn how AI fosters differentiation by providing customized learning paths that accommodate diverse learning styles and paces.

    Delve into the collaborative classroom of tomorrow, where AI facilitates interactive and cooperative learning experiences, breaking down traditional barriers and promoting inclusive education.

    "Teaching Tomorrow" is an essential guide for educators and enthusiasts alike, offering insights into the future of teaching and learning in an increasingly AI-driven world. Join us on this educational journey as we embrace the possibilities of AI and reimagine the art of pedagogy.

    ©2024 Darian George (P)2024 Darian George

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