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  • Teach Your Child to Fish

  • Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master
  • De : Holly D Reid
  • Lu par : Tami Romani
  • Durée : 1 h et 45 min

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Teach Your Child to Fish

De : Holly D Reid
Lu par : Tami Romani
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    What would you teach your younger self about money if you had the opportunity?

    Unfortunately, most schools don’t teach money management. Money habits whether good or bad are passed down through the generations at home. What were you taught?

    Is it the same thing you want to teach your children?

    Statistics show that most of what we’ve learned about money from our parents was not adequate to help us achieve financial freedom. The majority of American adults are in debt with very little savings. 

    But what if it could be different for your child?

    It can be. 

    If you want to set your child up for success, then you have to homeschool them on money. That’s what the wealthy do! 

    Teach Your Child to Fish gives you the curriculum to teach your child to build wealth young and manage their money wisely for the rest of their lives.

    In this quick and easy to implement program Holly Reid, a Certified Public Accountant, shares a biblical perspective on how to help your child....

    • Find a purpose driven career so they can make money without ever ‘working’ a day in their lives
    • Be a conscious consumer so they don’t fall prey to savvy marketers
    • Use credit responsibly so they don’t end up trapped in debt
    • Make charitable giving a lifestyle so they experience the joy of living in service
    • And more.

    Download Teach Your Child to Fish today, and improve the financial health of your family for generations to come!

    ©2016 Holly D Reid (P)2021 Holly D Reid

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