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  • Taylor and the Final Nine

  • The Ituria Chronicles, Book 7
  • De : JB Moonstar
  • Lu par : Scott Burns
  • Durée : 2 h et 29 min

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Taylor and the Final Nine

De : JB Moonstar
Lu par : Scott Burns
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    Join Taylor on his adventure to rescue nine endangered red wolves from extinction!

    Using the ability to communicate with animals granted to him after his first encounter with Ituria's Alliance, Taylor races to save the red wolves left in his land. He joins forces with Megan, a dragon temporarily turned human, to save Brandon, a young wolf caught in a poacher's trap.

    With Brandon freed, the poacher's are angry and hot on their trail. Taylor, his forest friends, unicorns, and dragons must band together to outsmart the dangerous hunters in order to rescue the endangered wolves and relocate them to safety. But will they make it in time?

    Note from the Author: While Taylor's story is fantasy, extinct still means forever. Red wolves once roamed from Texas to New York and everywhere in between, but until recently the only remaining red wolves were in zoos and refuge centers. Many wildlife organizations are trying to save the red wolf as a species. However, until more humans do their part to protect red wolves, attempts to introduce them back into the wild will do little to increase their numbers. Red wolves are valuable members of our natural ecosystem and we owe it to them to make sure they have a chance to survive.

    You can do your part by staying educated about endangered animals and learning more about these incredible animals!

    ©2022 J.B. Moonstar (P)2022 J.B. Moonstar

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