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  • Tattoos, Not Brands

  • An Entrepreneur's Guide to Smart Marketing and Business Building
  • De : Clint White
  • Lu par : Mike Bratton
  • Durée : 3 h et 32 min

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Tattoos, Not Brands

De : Clint White
Lu par : Mike Bratton
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    “…illuminates one of the most misunderstood aspects of launching a company and should allow countless entrepreneurs to sleep better at night.” (Scott Stedman, serial entrepreneur and author of Mouse, A Novel [Greenleaf Book Group])

    Before you start your business, before you spend a dime on marketing or hire another brand strategist, you need to consider something: You don’t have a brand.

    Everyone from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned business titans believes in the power of branding. But the truth is, most businesses, nonprofits, charities, and social movements aren’t brands. They are tattoos.

    Unlike market-driven brands, tattoos are mission-driven. And if you have a tattoo, approaching marketing from a brand mindset will prove–inevitably–unsuccessful.

    Drawing upon research, psychology, and decades of experience, Tattoos, Not Brands: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Smart Marketing and Business Building offers an innovative approach to marketing. It includes simple steps to prepare for success and identify the approach to marketing that will best work for you and your vision.

    Each chapter concludes with a few simple questions or exercises to help you discover the right tattoo for your business.

    In Tattoos, Not Brands, you’ll learn:

    • The tried-and-true foundational basics of marketing and how to make them work for your unique business or endeavor
    • How to identify your tattoo type and how to achieve authenticity with your customers and clients
    • How to show off your tattoo and bring it to market–successfully
    ©2022 Clint White (P)2022 Clint White


    “A must-listen for anyone who is looking to grow a business, organization, or movement. Full of smart practical guidance that reverberates universally—from luxury goods to social impact and everything in between.” (Avenue Magazine)

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