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Couverture de Tarra


De : Inna Van Der Velden
Lu par : Inna Van Der Velden
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    Anthony and his friends, Lissy, Audrey, Andy, and the Saashes, are interstellar travelers on a mission. They have been tasked with saving the life of their home planet, Tarra. A plague, known as the fear dust, has captured Tarra’s children in its bony grip, cutting off their joy and creativity. It is up to Anthony and his crewmates to find a cure on Earth and urgently fly it back home. It was believed that because of the close relation of Tarra and Earth, planet Earth would help the children create the antidote. Easier said than done! Earth is a tricky place to navigate if you’re newly landed in the Milky Way Galaxy.

    On their mission, the Tarrian friends are accompanied by their shadow animals, or animal spirit friends. They are both helpers and teachers to the children. Without them, young Tarrians wouldn’t be able to accomplish the mission. The Tarrians are also supported by the Earth elements: water, wind, and fire, and have a close connection with each of them.

    While on Earth, the Tarrian friends had to help the planet first because pollution was clouding the Earth Mind and it couldn’t help the team. As soon as the friends started recycling, cleansing the water bodies from plastic, planting trees, they were able to lift some pollution and start receiving the qualities—virtues to create an antidote. The family of kabouters—Dutch gnomes, a royal boy Jakov from the House of Orange, a former Tarrian—baba Vera from Ukraine, a Canadian family—Margo and Ben, and the Shamans of Light and Dark, and the three gods: Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon helped them along the way.

    It was only when all the virtues were collected by the friends, an antidote which was believed to fight off the fear dust pollution was created.

    Tarra: Mission to Earth is filled with adventures and experimental activities. It opens the door to the magic of Tarra on Earth. It has hope for Earth to become a better place for all of us to live on.

    ©2022 Inna Van Der Velden (P)2022 Inna Van Der Velden
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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