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Couverture de Tangled Up in You

Tangled Up in You

De : Christina Lauren
Lu par : Patti Murin, Eunice Wong, Andrew Gibson
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    A witty and deeply romantic modern reimagining of Disney’s Tangled, by the New York Times best-selling author duo Christina Lauren, part of the acclaimed and best-selling Meant to Be collection.

    She has a dream. He has a plan. Together they’ll take a leap of faith.

    Ren has never held an iPhone, googled the answer to a question, or followed a crush on social media. What she has done: read a book or two, or three (okay, hundreds). Taught herself to paint. Built a working wind-power system from scratch. But for all the books she’s read, Ren has never found one that’s taught a woman raised on a homestead and off the grid for most of her 22 years how to live in the real world. So when she finally achieves her lifelong dream of attending Corona College, it feels like her life is finally beginning.

    Fitz has the rest of his life mapped out: Graduate from Corona at the top of his class, get his criminal record wiped clean, and pass himself off as the rich, handsome player everyone thinks he is. He’s a few short months from checking off step one of his plans when Ren Gylden, with her cascading blonde hair and encyclopedic brain, crashes into his life, and for the first time Fitz’s plan is in jeopardy.

    But a simple assignment in their immunology seminar changes the course of both their lives, and suddenly they’re thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire—on a road trip that will lead them in the most unexpected directions. Out on the open road, the world somehow shifts, and the unlikely pair realizes that, maybe, the key to the dreams they've both been chasing have been sitting next to them the whole time.

    ©2024 Disney Enterprises, Inc. (P)2024 Audible, Inc.

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