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Tales of the Lost Horizon

De : Michael Eging
Lu par : Sian Steen
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Enter into the worlds beyond our own, where dragons hunt the skies on emerald wings, and metal ships hurl through the heavens across the void of space. Written by the award-winning author and screenwriter, Michael Eging, Tales of the Lost Horizon is a collection of speculative short stories and poetry that spans a millennium across realms of fantasy, history, and science fiction to the apocalypse and the end of days.

Flee through the haunted wood of Albion with the wild Hunt at your heels, claw at the dirt covering your own grave, and stand before the rumbling mountain smoldering with secrets.

Pull up a chair by the fire, turn on the audio, and step into Tales of the Lost Horizon.

©2020 Michael Eging (P)2021 Michael Eging
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