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Tales of the Elders of Ireland

De : Uncredited
Lu par : Gerry O'Brien
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    Tales of the Elders of Ireland (Acallam na Senórach) represents the largest literary text surviving from 12th-century Ireland, the most comprehensive early collection of Fenian stories and poetry. Three parallel worlds interact: the contemporary Christian world of Saint Patrick with his scribes, clerics, occasional angels, and souls rescued from Hell; the earlier pagan world of the ancient, giant Fenians and an array of Irish kings; and the timeless Otherworld, peopled by ever-young shape-shifting fairies. The Tales dwell in detail on the inhabitants of the Irish Otherworld and provide an extensive account of their music and magic, their internecine wars and their malice toward, and infatuation with, humankind—themes that still feature in the story-telling of present-day Ireland.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Naxos AudioBooks UK Ltd.

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