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Couverture de Tales from the Eastern Shores

Tales from the Eastern Shores

De : Samuel DenHartog
Lu par : Kelly Wilkinson
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    Embark on a captivating journey through the mystical landscapes of the East with "Tales from the Eastern Shores." This enchanting collection of sixty tales unveils the rich tapestry of folklore and mythology from Korea, China, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam, bringing to life a world where dragons soar in the skies, spirits roam the forests, and mythical creatures walk among us. Each tale, steeped in centuries of tradition and cultural heritage, opens a window into the heart and soul of the East, revealing the wisdom, courage, and enchantment that have been passed down through generations.

    Discover the cunning of the nine-tailed Gumiho, the valor of Japan's Tengu, the tragic beauty of Thailand's Krasue, and the enduring spirit of Vietnam's Chim Lạc. "Tales from the Eastern Shores" transcends mere storytelling, offering a mosaic of legends that explore the human condition, the forces of nature, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us to the land and to each other. You'll be drawn deeper into the mysteries of the East, where ancient lore and modern hearts beat together in a symphony of the ages.

    This collection of sixty captivating tales is a journey that bridges the past and the present, inviting listeners of all ages to explore the depths of Eastern mythology. Through vibrant storytelling and rich detail, "Tales from the Eastern Shores" promises to enchant, educate, and inspire, leaving a lasting impression on all who venture within. Join this unforgettable journey, and let your imagination soar to the Eastern shores, where legends live and dreams take flight.

    ©2024 Samuel DenHartog (P)2024 Samuel DenHartog

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